20 August 2019


JUNE 2019

Your SAGFIN committee have achieved much in the eight months from the AGM. Jim, Peter, Wally, Trevor and Robyn have been meeting regularly at Fenwick Real Estate in Prospect guiding our campaign to protect the SA GM crop moratorium which was extended in 2017 until 2025. The Marshall Liberal government has unfortunately made good on their pre-election promise to review the moratorium, which we believed is an attempt to overturn it. Mark Parnell of the Greens and John Darley of Advance SA have initiated a review of the moratorium in the Upper House. SAGFIN co-ordinated submissions to both reviews with the pro-bono support of local experts.

Select Committee Moratorium on the Cultivation of Genetically Modified Crops in South Australia 
Our submission is number 49 on the Legislative Council (Upper House) website here, our Canola Price Comparison report is number 49A and the Terms of Reference are here. Committee member Alex Hodges also made a submission - number 4, and our colleagues at GeneEthics wrote submission 48. Submission 42 is the Friends of the Earth Melbourne form letter that you may have signed - unfortunately it is only seems to have been counted as one submission despite 151 people sending it individually. Our president Jim gave evidence to the committee in February and you can read it here in transcript number 5. Bob Phelps, Executive Director of GeneEthics gave evidence in transcript number 6.

SA Government review of the South Australian Genetically Modified (GM) Food Crop Moratorium "Anderson Review" 
SAGFIN made a submission to the so-called independent review (attached). In early February Agriculture & Primary Industries Minister Tim Whetstone announced that the report had been released and the government was considering its 19 recommendations. The report alleges that the moratorium cost farmers $33 million since 2004. We find this difficult to believe as our report studying the canola crop in Victoria and SA for the financial year 2017-2018 found that in Victoria, GM free canola sold for an average of $27/tonne more than GM canola. Victorian GM Free canola sold for a similar price to SA GM Free canola so it is most likely that if GM canola was grown in SA then the same price penalty for GM canola would result. The government report and terms of reference are found on the PIRSA website here.

Politician lobbying
We have been busy lobbying the Shadow Minister for Health (ALP MP Chris Picton) and Shadow Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development (ALP MP Eddie Hughes). Peter and GM researcher Judy Carman informed Mr Picton of the dangers of CRISPR GM materials, and Jim and Robyn gave information to Mr Hughes supporting the moratorium.  We have requested meetings with the Minister for Health (Liberal Steven Wade MLC) and Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development (Liberal MP Tim Whetstone). Peter spoke to Adelaide MP Rachel Sanderson and she was very supportive. We welcome you speaking to your MP and are happy to give guidance and support.  

GM Free Australia Alliance
SAGFIN President Jim continues to chair the monthly phone linkups with representatives from Australia and New Zealand. The Alliance thanked Jessica for Harrison for her service as Coordinator and welcomed Alex Mijatovic as the new Coordinator. 

SAGFIN Facebook Page
Please ‘like’ and keep up to date with our new Facebook page. If you come across any articles or memes you would like shared on the page, please send to sagfin1@gmail.com

Membership for 2019 is now due. We are sure you will find our fees are very economical and hope that you will support continuing our work protecting SA from GM crops and food.

SAGFIN Annual Membership: Ordinary $15 / Concession $10 / Corporate $30
Please make cheque/money order payable to SAGFIN.
Direct deposit: Bendigo Bank   BSB 633-000    A/C No. 157098682 with your name as a reference
Please send a stamped self addressed envelope if you require a receipt.
SAGFIN PO Box 323 North Adelaide SA  5006

Future meetings
Committee meetings are held regularly at Fenwick Real Estate in Prospect. All welcome.

Contact SAGFIN
SAGFIN PO Box 323 North Adelaide SA 5006

Thank you for your support.

SA Genetic Food Information Network Committee
Jim Mitchell - President/Treasurer
Robyn Wood - Secretary
Trevor Ward - IT
Lisa Douglas - website
Anna Clements - Committee member  
Alex Hodges - Committee member
Peter Fenwick - Committee member
Wally Daylight - Committee member

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