05 May 2013

SAGFIN Take Action Before the Election

Genetically modified foods are on the shelves at a supermarket near you. GM foods have not been subjected to independent safety testing and may be a risk to your health.

One of the few things that has helped to minimize GM foods in Australia is the moratoria on GM crops that have been maintained by several State Governments. One by one, the other mainland states (apart from South Australia) have yielded to GM pressures, and have allowed GM crops to be planted. The current South Australian moratorium on the growing of commercial GM crops could also be overturned due to pressure from the GM industry.

If you want SA to remain free of GM crops now is the time to do something about it. Write to your local MP and council before the election. We have drafted pro forma letters that you can use to prepare your own personalised letters to councils and politicians.

Please also send this information on to your own contacts. If you are able to, print out copies of the GM Election Poster and the pro forma letters (see below), and ask local businesses to display them.

Click here for GM Election Poster

Politician letter - Copy and send to your local MP. Edit with your own words.


I would like to congratulate the Government on supporting South Australia’s clean and green image by enforcing the moratorium on genetically modified (GM) crops. However, I am concerned that the moratorium does not have a defined timeframe. I would feel reassured to know how long the Government will be committed to continuing the moratorium, and in particular that the commitment will hold for at least the term of the next Government.

Although it is impossible to predict future markets for GM and non-GM crops, the ability to attract premium prices for non-GM has already been illustrated by the current situation in Victoria, where non-GM canola has attracted a premium price.

In the absence of adequate containment measures GM crops may pollinate non-GM crops to such an extent that non-GM crops might disappear altogether over a given area, causing a shortfall in supply to the non-GM market.

A moratorium ensures that non-GM varieties will be available for marketing in the future and will allow SA to continue to prosper its agricultural sector and benefit from premium prices for GM free exports.

In order to protect the interests of South Australians, the moratorium should remain in place until the safety and environmental management strategies of GM foods/crops have been satisfactorily ascertained by independent researchers.

I strongly urge you to maintain the moratorium until at least 2014.

Yours sincerely,

Council letter - Copy and send to your local MP. Edit with your own words.


I am writing as a resident of your council, to urge the council to ascertain its position on genetically modified (GM) crops and foods.

There is currently a moratorium against the commercial growing of GM crops in SA. However the moratorium does not have a defined timeframe.

GM crops pose health risks to people eating them and also to agricultural workers exposed to them.

GM crops are associated with an increased risk of herbicide resistant weeds and crop escapes. Overseas experience shows that they may make it necessary to use older, more toxic herbicides such as 2,4-D, to eradicate them. Therefore GM crops grown in council areas pose economic risks to councils, and health and safety risks to council employees.

I would strongly encourage you to ensure that the council keeps well informed on GM issues, and to write to the State Government to urge it to maintain the moratorium on growing GM crops until at least 2014.

Yours sincerely,

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