16 March 2010

PAST Election Update

Congratulations to all who contributed their efforts to the campaign to SAVE SA'S MORATORIUM AGAINST GROWING GM CROPS!

Also a big thank you to support from National groups, who have been working hard on our behalf.

The Labor Government has committed to continuing the moratorium till 2014.

This outcome is fantastic!

The Liberal Opposition has made a statement to the effect that it supports the moratorium, but will be monitoring interstate progress, and has not given a duration for its commitment to date.

The Greens and Democrats remain opposed to GM.


A last minute pre-election flurry of letters to the Liberal party and letters to the editor calling on the Libs to match the Labor Government's commitment to keep the moratorium till at least 2014 would be great.


Isabel Redmond heysen@parliament.sa.gov.au

Adrian Pederick adrian.pederick@parliament.sa.gov.au

The Advertiser: advedit@theadvertiser.com.au (plain text, no attachments) or talk back 8212 3488

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